Don’t Let Rain Cause You Pain

30 April 2020
Don’t Let Rain Cause You Pain

The spring showers you often associate with bringing May flowers can also bring a significant safety hazard to your business and its employees. Rain and water accumulation can seem harmless to your business operations. In reality, workplace injuries caused by slips and falls on excess water accumulation can cause a substantial impact on your company’s bottom line if not addressed properly.

First and foremost, it is vital to post appropriate signage for anyone who may be working in or passing through a hazardous area in your business. Slips and falls resulting from wet floors create hazards not only for your employees, but also for any visitors going to and from your place of business. For example, placing hazard cones near entrances and exits during rainy days can be one of the simplest yet effective ways of raising awareness. Also posting wet floor signs in highly visible areas like walkways or common areas with can also help warn visitors and employees of potential dangers.

Another easy fix to help address wet floors near entrances and exits is to put out floor mats. They can help significantly reduce the prevalence of slips and falls in some of the most hazardous areas or your facility during rainy weather. Along with floor mats and signage, keeping an adequate supply of brooms, mops and buckets available will ensure your staff is prepared to remove any water or debris that are tracked throughout your facility.

Remember when dealing with those spring showers, there is no guaranteed method to ensure your company is completely covered. Check out our janitorial supplies on IRMN, or contact your sales representative today to help your facility stay safe and clean, no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.

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