Why a high-frequency charger is your best choice

08 June 2019

The development of the first rechargeable lead-acid battery by Gaston Planté in 1859 was a major step for the battery world. 

First rechargeable lead-acid battery by Gaston Planté in 1859

His first model consisted of a spiral roll of two sheets of pure lead separated by a linen cloth, immersed in a glass jar of diluted sulphuric acid. As a result of repeated charging and discharging, he obtained a certain capacity. This principle was further improved in the course of the following years, and finally resulted in the battery we see installed in our machines these days. Nowadays, this battery has numerous applications, also in the material handling industry. The fact is that more and more machines with internal combustion engines are replaced by electric models, and these are powered by - you guessed it - rechargeable batteries.