Домкраты и опорные стойки
В поиске подходящего домкрата?
В TVH Вы можете найти то, что Вам требуется. Гидравлический домкрат упростит задачу подъема тяжелого оборудования. Для примера, удобнее проводить ремонт или ТО вилочного погрузчика или другого транспортного средства, несколько приподняв его.
Грузоподъемность наших домкратов варьируется в диапазоне между 4000 кг и 22 700 кг. Благодаря их прочной конструкции, они чрезвычайно применимы для ежедневного использования в наиболее жестких условиях работы.
Наряду с гидравлическими домкратами, мы также предлагаем Вам безопасные упоры. Благодаря складывающимся колесам, их легко использовать под прицеп, для предотвращения его переворачивания. Каждый домкрат и упор обязательно имеет переносную ручку для большего удобства.
В нашем ассортименте также предлагаются колеса передних опор и монтажные зажимы. Колеса передних опор используются для удобства перемещения Ваших прицепов и трейлеров. они предлагаются грузоподъемностью до 250 кг.
Монтажные зажимы нужны для фиксации колес передней опоры. Если Ваш прицеп либо трейлер не оборудован стандартно тормозом, лучше выбрать в пользу комбинации колеса передней опоры и монтажного зажима. Таким образом, Вы заботитесь о безопасности Вашего труда, предотвращая возможное скатывания прицепа либо трейлера вперед либо назад.
Познакомьтесь с нашим полным ассортиментом в каталоге ‘Attachments & Handling Equipment’-со стр. 99.

Looking for a suitable jack? At TVH we have various models to help you lift weights up to 50 tonnes. Thanks to their robust structure, they are exceptionally suitable for daily heavy-duty use and heavy work activities. Our range also includes safety trestles, axle stands and much more. Furthermore, we offer:
- Many stock items to ensure fast delivery.
- Customer support in 55 languages.
- A dedicated technical support team that will provide you the best possible service imaginable.
Create a free account for our online shop. You will get access to a vast range of jacks. Already have an account? Log in now!
Discover our range of jacks

Forklift jacks
Lifting and repairing your forklift goes faster and safer with these hydraulic forklift jacks. They are made of steel for longlasting durability. The jack is easy to use and operate so that you can carry out repairs in an efficient manner. All forklift jacks are even equipped with an adjustable lifting surface to provide the best possible grip on your machine. We can also provide an aluminium model that is lightweight and easily movable.
- Offers safety during maintenance work.
- Easy to transport and operate.
- Extra low pick-up point suitable for machines that have a small ground clearance.
- Adjustable lifting surface for optimal grip.
- Rustproof and lightweight aluminium model available.
- Removable handle for compact storage.
- Your safety is guaranteed thanks to the safety valve.

Bottle jacks
The bottle jack is a compact and powerful product with a hydraulic pump. The jack is fitted with a safety valve to prevent overloading. In this way, your own safety is guaranteed during the maintenance or repair of your heavy machinery.
- Strong and stable product made of steel.
- Requires little storage space.
- Your safety is guaranteed thanks to the safety valve.
- Limited physical effort required.

Garage jacks
The garage jack is a heavy-duty trolley jack specially designed for use in professional garages and workshops. The sturdy wheels, length of the chassis and strong steel construction make this jack a reliable and safe product. In addition to the long handle equipped with an ergonomic handgrip, you can also use the foot pump to lift faster. Thanks to this double pumping system, your job is done in no time.
- High capacity to easily lift up your car or truck
- Ideal for small and quick repairs
- Strong and stable product made of steel
- Twist grip handle for controlled lowering
- Large steel wheels for ultimate stability
- Strong and long handle for optimal reach
- Your safety is guaranteed thanks to the safety valve

Machine jacks
When repairs must be carried out to the underside of the machine, you need sufficient space to reach the required working zone. That’s why we recommend our machine jacks to lift up your machine. Because of their robust structure, they are exceptionally suitable for daily heavy-duty use and heavy work activities.
- High capacity to easily lift up your car or truck.
- Ideal for small and quick repairs.
- Strong and stable product made of steel.
- Twist grip handle for controlled lowering.
- Large steel wheels for ultimate stability.
- Strong and long handle for optimal reach.
- Your safety is guaranteed thanks to the safety valve.

Safety trestle
Thanks to the foldaway wheels, the safety trestle can easily be placed under the trailer to prevent it from tilting. The weight of the trailer is spread over the support to ensure stability. In this way, you can avoid damage to your truck, your goods and the surface. A safe environment guaranteed.
- Foldaway wheels for easier movement.
- Supporting beam made of durable oak for optimal stability.
- 5 preset heights to choose the best supporting height.
- Weight is spread over the supporting beam for great stability.
- No danger of tipping of the trailer.
- With plastic handle for a secure grip.

Trailer safety jack
Place this trailer safety jack to support the trailer of your truck during loading or unloading. This ensures a reliable and stable support and results in a safe working environment. By using a trailer safety jack, you prevent your trailer from tipping of tilting and damaging your goods. A clever and good investment that can prevent a lot of problems and costs.
- Screw mechanism with removable handle for easy storage.
- With wheels for easy movement.
- Prevents your trailer from tipping.
We also have stands available for optimal support. In this way, you’re assured of a safe and stable support during your work or check-ups of the machine.

Have a look at our catalogue
Discover our full product range of material handling equipment in our catalogue. It's divided into different chapters, based on the type of product you need. Almost each chapter contains a guide to help you choose the right product based on technical specifications, conditions of use or easy questions and answers.
Have a look in our material handling equipment catalogue.
Why you should choose us as your lifting jack supplier
With our comprehensive range of lifting jacks at competitive prices, next day delivery from our network of regional warehouses and a dedicated technical support team, we can offer you the best possible service imaginable.

Поскольку в компании 62 национальностей и 57 разговорных языка, мы можем предложить поддержку клиентов на Вашем родном языке.

Мы выросли из двух основателей в компанию с более чем 5000 сотрудниками, с офисами и дистрибьюторскими центрами на всех континентах.

В TVH вы найдете самый широкий ассортимент запчастей для погрузочно-разгрузочного, промышленного, строительного и сельскохозяйственного оборудования. Мы постоянно совершенствуем наше предложение, и каждый день пополняем наш склад.

Мы сотрудничаем с местными транспортными компаниями, чтобы доставить каждый заказ в обещанные сроки. Чтобы обеспечить быструю доставку, мы отправляем 95% заказов в тот же день после заказа.
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- Order your lifting jacks directly from TVH through your own software.
- Save research time and reduce search errors by registering your lifting jacks in our tool. You can personalise your equipment by adding your own reference, images, documents and notes.
- Immediately see the price, lead time, availability, pictures and technical features for every reference.
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