National Forklift Safety Day is June 13, 2017

06 June 2017

TVH in the Americas proudly joins organizations and companies around the United States to commemorate the fourth annual National Forklift Safety Day on June 13, 2017. National Forklift Safety Day, sponsored by the International Truck Association, highlights the safe use of forklifts and the importance of operator training.

According to OSHA, 96,785 workers suffer non-serious or serious injuries each year due to forklift misuse or improper training, with 85 of these being fatalities. However, with proper forklift safety and training, 70% of these accidents could be prevented.

At TVH, we focus on safety every day and encourage our customers to do the same. In honor of National Forklift Safety Day, we will be sharing tips, articles and more on our social media channels to help raise awareness and encourage our customers to join us.  Forklift related accidents can be reduced by having the necessary safety equipment in place. TVH carries a wide range of safety equipment to help keep you and your worksite safe such as strobes, traffic arrows, backup alarms, protective barriers and more.

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