Safety Doesn't Happen by Accident

14 November 2019
Safety Doesn't Happen by Accident

Having a business that runs on forklifts means that if something goes wrong, your business could slow down or come to a complete stop. So, why wait until you notice something unusual in your forklift to take action? To avoid costly delays, keep your eye on the following parts as they tend to be more susceptible to the wear and tear of daily use.

Brakes and Tires

It's normal for tires and brakes to wear down faster than other parts in a forklift. On average, forklifts weigh around 9,0000 lbs, which puts a lot of stress for your tires when they touch the ground. This of course causes a lot of wear and tear on the tires as well as the breaks and the bearings around the forklift's wheels. If these parts are worn out it can not only be dangerous for the forklift driver but also for everyone in the surrounding area. By maintaining your tires and brakes regularly, you can keep your business rolling! If you don't know what to look for when deciding if your tires and brakes should be replaced, here are some tips:

  • If you hear unusual sounds like squeaking tires, it can be a sign of a bad wheel bearing or a tire beginning to separate from the rim
  • Grinding upon braking is typically a sign of a worn brake shoe
  • If your tires look cracked or like they are balding, they should be replaced as soon as possible


The mast is made up of many different parts that require regular maintenance. This part of the forklift is important since it is in charge of raising and lowering loads. If one part breaks down, it is more than likely that other parts will start breaking down as well or cause further damage to your entire forklift. Look for these common warning signs from your mast:

  • Lift operation moving slowly or not going as high as it should
  • If you hear sounds when raising or lowering the lift or see marks from metal scraping against metal

Air, fuel and Oil Filters

Worn-out filters on a forklift can damper the performance of your engine, decrease fuel economy and cause your forklift to work harder overall. A clogged filter can also lead to overheating and engine damage. If you experience strong fuel smells coming from the engine, the likely culprit is an old, worn filter. Preventative maintenance on an air filter is also important because a faulty one can cause an extremely dangerous build up of carbon monoxide in the warehouse or place of work. Here are other tips to know when it's time to get your filters changed!

  • If you see thick, dark exhaust expelled by your lift, it usually points to a bad air filter
  • Forklifts should be serviced every 250 hours for air, fuel and oil filter changes

Even with regular maintenance, your forklift is prone to wear and tear in different sections after using it for a long time. Be sure to check and replace your parts as soon you catch the problem. With 42 million part numbers, TVH is your one stop shop for all of your part replacement and accessory needs!

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