TVH is Thinking Green to Make a Difference

07 April 2016
As the leading provider of replacement parts and accessories, with 11 different locations in the Americas, TVH knows that our actions have a lasting impact on the environment around us.  We do not take this responsibility lightly and strive to be a good corporate citizen by helping to ensure a better world for generations to come. That is why we have created the Think Green Committee.
The Think Green Committee’s mission is to promote the conservation of natural resources and to support environmental improvements that foster a clean, safe and sustainable place to live and work by following the 5 R’s.
• Reduce our environmental impact locally to improve the well-being of our community
• Reuse whatever we can
• Recycle whenever possible
• Rethink our daily habits
• Remind ourselves and our community endlessly
Members of this committee are dedicated to reducing TVH’s environmental impact and acting as a positive advocate within the company, encouraging employees to Think Green. 
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