13 December 2019
IT Talks 2019
IT Talks 2019
IT Talks 2019
IT Talks 2019
IT Talks 2019
Rens Vanhoutte (SEO specialist) keynote speaker @ IT Talks

For the third time in about a year, TVH organised the free IT Talks @ TVH conference. On 12 December 2019, approximately 300 IT specialists came together in AIR, TVH's IT building in Waregem, for a night filled with interesting keynotes, networking and of course the necessary bites and drinks. External speakers from G-Company, ML6, Varnish Software, SPOT-IT and Ordina, and internal speakers from TVH each highlighted innovative solutions to contemporary technical challenges on the grounds of their expertise.

New this year were the 'teaser talks', for those who could already be there at 18h30. At 19h15, the in-depth sessions started. Below, you can find an overview of all speakers with a link to the presentation and a video recording of the keynote.

Rens Vanhoutte - What a front-end developer should know about SEO - presentationMore info

Thierry Marck - Agile UX - Presentation - presentation - recordingMore info

Martijn Werbrouck - Taking your Angular application to the next level - presentation - recordingMore info

Peter Roelant - Workplace Automation with Google Apps Script - presentation - recordingMore info

Pascal Mestdach - How to kickstart an agile community - presentation - recordingMore info

Jens Bontinck - ML in production, things you need to consider - presentation - recordingMore info

Lander Verhack - Machine learning for web developers - presentation - recordingMore info

Thijs Feryn - Tackling content delivery challenges at scale with Varnish - presentation - recordingMore info

Bob Van Haute & Frederik Rasschaert - Next-generation cybersecurity operations - More info

Remco Runge - Deep Learning: Theory and Practice - presentation - recordingMore info