Remco Runge - Ordina - Deep Learning: Theory and Practice

17 September 2019
Runge Remco

Remco Runge is one of our speakers on the 3rd edition of IT Talks, on 12th of December 2019. Curious about this event, and want to register or see when the next edition is taking place? Find more on

Our brain is a complex machine. Based on the input it receives via our senses, our brain is able to understand the world around us. Understanding the world used to be a very hard problem for computers. This has changed drastically in the last decades. Deep learning makes it possible to let computers achieve certain task which used to be very hard, such as creating self-driving cars.

Deep learning was inspired by the way in which our brains work. By creating digital neural networks, computers are able to analyze complex inputs and form decisions based upon this input. 

During this talk, I will guide you through the theory behind deep learning, I will show you how we put this into practice, and I will discuss cutting-edge developments in deep learning.

Remco Runge is an Artificial Intelligence Engineer at the IT company Ordina (NL), with a passion for smart systems. Within different projects, he builds innovative system that utilize modern A.I. techniques such as Deep Learning. He has experience building A.I. application for companies such as: the Dutch railroads and a large Dutch utilities company. He likes to share his knowledge by speaking and giving workshops at conferences such as JFall (NL), Devoxx (BE) and at multiple meetups.
